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Your Digital Nonprofit: The Social Profit Stack

Amplify Your Impact: 6 Personalization Techniques to Boost Engagement 🎸

Hi Reader,

Meet Jamie.

Jamie is a senior development officer who has been on what I call the struggle bus when it comes to connecting with her audience.

I bet you can relate.

Jamie knew it was time to try something new.

She began rewriting her usual ‘impersonal’ emails, sharing more of her personality and addressing recipients by name.

She wrote stories about her team’s work on her email broadcast. She researched the audience and asked about her readers’ interests.

They began responding personally to their replies. Responses began flowing in.

Her audience began replying to her questions!

Guess what? Contributions began to increase.

In today’s edition of the Social Profit Stack, we’ll help amplify your message by putting the personal back into your donor engagement and see how data can help you tailor your communication that leads to giving.

Let’s dive in.

What is Personalization in a Digital Nonprofit?

If you’ve ever felt like someone you follow shares the exact solution to your issue, you’ve experienced personalization. It used to creep me out, but then I realized it was because that person supports people with interests like me.

Personalization in digital communication refers to tailoring content and interactions to an audience's characteristics, preferences, and behaviours.

It involves using data to deliver more relevant and engaging experiences, creating a deeper connection and increasing engagement. It makes your audience feel valued and understood, significantly enhancing the effectiveness of digital strategies.

Sometimes, it’s as simple as addressing them using their first name when emailing them.

Personalize to Revitalize

Engaging your audience can make or break your strategy in an ever-evolving digital fundraising plan.

Personalizing your engagement can attract and retain your reader’s interest and offer an incredible experience with your organization. It can also help you create customized and relevant experiences based on user behaviour and preferences.

The best part? It elevates giving.

Implementing personalization isn’t easy, but you can start slowly adding in these 6 strategies:

1. Audience Research

Begin by analyzing your donor list or audience interactions.

Track which emails they open, the links they click, and how they respond to polls. Use this data to craft relevant and timely content. A click means curiosity.

Focus on identifying and understanding your ideal audience. Knowing your audience's preferences and behaviours creates a foundation for all communications.

This approach ensures your messages are consistent and relevant and enhances your audience's experience and satisfaction.

2. Leverage Automation

When integrating personal elements in your emails, such as a welcoming sequence, encourage recipients to share personal details like their organization and location.

This approach not only personalizes content but also effectively segments your audience.

Automation is the best! It helps you deliver the right message at the right time.

You can send personalized emails by segmenting your audience based on their behaviour or demographic data, ensuring consistency and relevance without manual effort.

3. Personalize the Sender

Send emails from an individual, not the organization. Consider using your organization’s name as a secondary contact if you’re starting:

From: [name] | [Organization name]

Adding this personal touch increases readability and connection.

Using a person's email address instead of a generic organizational one helps build trust and rapport. This approach makes each email feel like a one-on-one conversation rather than a broad broadcast, increasing the likelihood of engagement.

4. Eliminate “No-Reply” Emails

Receiving a "no-reply" email feels impersonal and discouraging.

A simple way for your audience to respond enhances engagement and reduces barriers.

Switching from "no-reply" to a responsive email address invites conversation and feedback. It tells your audience their opinions are valued and that you are open to dialogue, which can significantly enhance relationship building.

5. Infuse Your Personality

The most memorable emails come from individuals and resonate through a personal touch.

They’re focused, engaging, and funny, offering insights into the sender’s personality.

Let your voice shine through in your communications. Your voice will make your emails stand out in a crowded inbox and help establish meaningful connections, making your content more memorable and enjoyable.

6. Expand Your Personalization Techniques

When you begin to see the impact of your efforts, you can create content that aligns with your audience's preferences.

More personalization will always leave a lasting impression on your reader.

Experiment with different types of content, like video or interactive tools, to keep the experience fresh and engaging and encourage ongoing engagement and loyalty.

Personalization is the key to improving your audience's experience. Tailoring their experience using your data builds loyalty and trust, increases conversions, and streamlines processes.

Next time you set up an email campaign, remember that personal communications will connect with many more readers. And if you ask for a donation, they might give more.

Link 💜

If you've ever considered using ChatGPT for your digital strategy, Network for Good shared LIz Ngonzi's step-by-step guide to help you define goals, select prompts, implement initiatives, and measure impact.

Ready to create your audience personas? Hubspot has you covered with their Make My Persona tool.

Improve your email open rate. Consider adding these words to your email subject lines.

P.S. When you’re ready, let's work together so you can unlock your digital fundraising:

  1. What if every new email subscriber became your next donor? I’ll help you create an automated welcome series of emails that inspires your donors to take immediate action. >> Book a call with me to get started.
  2. Is your donation page silently turning away potential supporters? Let’s optimize your nonprofit website and increase donations. Don’t miss out on this chance to boost your fundraising efforts.» Let's connect!

Thanks for reading this far! ✌🏼

Your Digital Nonprofit: The Social Profit Stack

Every other Sunday, I'll spark ⚡️your nonprofit's online fundraising strategy and deliver the tools you need to succeed. You'll receive an actionable tip and three links to drive donor engagement, deliver the best online experience for your donors, and raise more revenue. Join us!

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