
Your Digital Nonprofit: The Social Profit Stack

Powerful & Automated: Create An Email Welcome Sequence 📧

Imagine this.

You find yourself interested in learning more about an organization that helps people deal with an issue a family member is experiencing.

You search Google to find the one you need. You see the one you want and click the link to visit their website.

Smooth so far.

You look around and check out their services. The information is helping you out.

Then you see they share a newsletter.

Excited, you subscribe as it says you'll continue to receive information about their organization.

You move over to your inbox to confirm your subscription.

You receive nothing.

You wait—still nothing.

There is no notice you even subscribed. Did it work?

If you guessed that was me, you're right. I've still yet to receive anything from that organization.

In this edition of the Social Profit Stack, I'm sharing the power of an automated email welcome sequence and how you can build relationships with your supporters once they subscribe.

What is a Welcome Email Sequence?

We've welcomed our supporters for centuries, but you can welcome them online in the digital world.

An automated welcome sequence is a series of emails sent automatically by your email marketing platform or CRM to supporters who subscribe to receive your communication.

Think of it as an "onboarding process" that orients your new subscribers to your brand.

People might have found your organization through social media because someone recommended you or because, like me, you wanted to learn more about the organization and visited your blog post or website.

Don't assume your subscribers know enough about your mission to understand why you exist. That's where your welcome emails come in.

It Works!

Remember when I subscribed to receive the information from that organization and didn't receive a thing?

A thoughtful welcome might have started my transformation from a one-time subscriber into a loyal donor.

First impressions matter. Emails allow you to lay the groundwork for better engagement.

Create Your First Welcome Sequence

A great email welcome sequence allows you to build excitement and connection with supporters immediately and allows your reader to learn more about your organization's

Here are five emails you can use to create a powerful welcome email sequence, each with an example.

1. A Welcome and Delivery of a Lead Magnet

The first email in the sequence welcomes your new subscriber. Here, you greet them, and if you promised a lead magnet, this is when you share it.

Example Email: Subject: Welcome! Your Free [lead magnet] inside.

Dear [Subscriber Name],

Welcome to [Organization Name]! We're thrilled to have you with us. We know it's busy out there.

As a token of our appreciation, here's your free eBook: "10 Tips in [Field]." Dive into it and start your journey with us today!

[Download Link]

One quick action. Please reply and say hello! It helps make sure our emails end up in our inbox.

(This shows the email is important to them and ensures it ends up in their inbox, not the promotions feed).

Thank you for your support!

[Your Name], [Your organization]

2. Communicating Expectations and Social Engagement:

The second email sets your reader's expectations. It outlines the information to expect and the frequency of communication, fostering a sense of predictability and trust.

This email offers a great place to share links to your website, social channels, and any virtual groups or communities you manage.

Example Email: Subject: You're Journey Begins Here

Hi [Subscriber Name],

We're excited you're joining us on this journey! Your support means the world to the [cause].

You can expect [time] emails packed with insights and stories on how we support [cause]. We don't want you to miss out.

Follow us on [Social Media Links] or visit our website, [website link].

Let's stay connected!


[Your Name], [Your organization]

3. Share An Impact Story

The third email is where you narrate your story, share the impact of your work, and present parts of your case for support. Include statistics, testimonials, or other social proof to build credibility and connect with your audience.

Example Email: Subject: The Difference YOU Help Us Make

Dear [Subscriber Name],

Did you know we helped over 5,000 people through [Specific Initiative] last year? Your support makes this possible. Here's a story of [Beneficiary Name], whose life transformed because of you. [Link to Story/Video]

Together, we can do more. Stay tuned for more inspiring stories.

We'd love your support. You can support us here [organization].

Best, [Your Name], [Your organization]

4. Invite Participation

The fourth email should encourage subscribers to participate in your cause. It could be through volunteering, donations, or attending events. Make them feel they're a vital part of your mission.

Example Email: Subject: Join Us to Make a Difference

Hi [Subscriber Name],

You're not just a subscriber; you're part of our family. We invite you to [participate in an upcoming event or initiative]. Your involvement can create a huge impact.

Learn more about how you can be a part of this change.

[Link to Participation Details]

Together in service,

[Your Name], [Your organization]

5. Express Gratitude and Welcome Again

The final email in the sequence should reiterate your gratitude and welcome them into the community. It reinforces a positive, lasting impression and cements their decision to join your cause.

Example Email: Subject: Thank You for Joining Us!

Dear [Subscriber Name],

We can't express enough gratitude for having you with us. We look forward to the journey ahead with you by our side.

In gratitude,

[Your Name]


Open up your email marketing platform and set them up to drip in a series. Each email guides the subscriber on a journey from being a newcomer to becoming an engaged supporter.

With emails gaining more traction in 2024, they have become a meaningful way to foster stronger relationships with your subscribers (AKA prospective donors) and lay the groundwork for a loyal and active community.

Remember that the key is to be authentic, informative, and appreciative – the rest will follow.

I'm trialling a new service in my business with a VIP package. I want to give three organizations the beta version of a better email experience in one day. Send me a note - reply or set up a meeting here.

Link 💜

Not sure where to begin building a lead magnet for your social profit? Joanne Toller from Cause Specialists has you covered in her article on building the best one for your audience.

Stats are vague, but 1000s of AI tools are being built daily. One of the best ones so far is called Findr. This tool helps you search for almost everything on your computer - including emails.

Want to geek out with me? Puzzle app learns your business operations, customizes your tools and trains your teams to maximize productivity.

You're the best for reading this far! ✌🏼

Your Digital Nonprofit: The Social Profit Stack

Every other Sunday, I'll spark ⚡️your nonprofit's online fundraising strategy and deliver the tools you need to succeed. You'll receive an actionable tip and three links to drive donor engagement, deliver the best online experience for your donors, and raise more revenue. Join us!

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